It's been an exciting, enjoyable and, at times, emotional ride to the shores of Abbadonia and back, and now we're raring to go again with our carnival routines and our early preparations for next year's pantomime.
Robinson Crusoe was a resounding success, and we had five brilliant audiences, whose warmth, laughter and applause kept us buzzing from start to finish. We couldn't have asked for a better atmosphere for our party in panto-land!
Positive feedback flooded in from curtain up at the first performance, and here are just a few of the things people have said about our 2014 pantomime, Robinson Crusoe...
"Great show on Saturday evening. My Mum and myself had a real good laugh. The pirates made our evening. everything else was superb."
- Gareth Hayles
"Thank you Wight Strollers for a fab Panto this afternoon, thoroughly enjoyed it - loved the pirates syncro swimming scene and Precious was brilliant."
- Christine Feltham

- Claire Barry
"The family haven't laughed so much in ages...I would highly recommend it. A truly hilarious performance...we thoroughly enjoyed it."
- Wight Time
"Thank you The Wight Strollers for helping 6th Newport Cubs celebrate Crunchie's BIG BIRTHDAY,
She has forgiven 'Captain Jake & his band of Pirates' but I think it will take few months to forgive her little Sister for lettng the cat out of the bag! Thank you for a fantastic show and see you all next year!"
- Caroline Seaward
"Your production of Robinson Crusoe was just wonderfully entertaining, fabulous to look at, incredibly joyful and an all round delight to watch. Thank you cast and crew of Wight Strollers - you made my afternoon."
- Lynne Johnson Harkins

- Geraldine Tulloch
"We loved every second of it, and at one point I actually had tears of laughter running down my face! We can't decide on our favourite characters as they were all superb! I will be recommending this to everyone I know, and the fact the money all goes to charity makes it even better. Well done to every single Stroller and thank you for a wonderful evening of entertainment. Completely and utterly brilliant in every way."
- Lou Hewison
"Thank you for letting us come to the final dress rehearsal last night; we all thoroughly enjoyed it. The last scene of Act 1 had me in tears of laughter! Thank you for supporting our surfing charity; you're all amazing!"
- Katie Bond
"That was awesome! Well done on costumes, script, acting, dance and sheer awesomeness! Haven't laughed so much in ages!"
- Julie Anne Harris
"A lot of talented people and the pirates were hilarious.Well done."
- Amelia Paine
"Great show - brilliant fun & the dancing, singing, scenery and costumes were fantastic!"
- Janet Hingert
We also received a couple of reviews, from the Island's youth website, yoppul, and from the Isle of Wight County Press.
Glowing praise all round - it makes you proud to be a Stroller! But not as proud as the amount we give to charity - watch this space for our donations and details of next year's pantomime...